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Wellness Talks at the Monona Terrace
Focus on Stress Reduction
Presented by Wendy Warren Grapentine
Daily life is stressful both personally and professionally, even more so during this pandemic. Learning how to manage those stresses can make a huge difference in your life. In this program, Wendy Warren Grapentine of Group Health Cooperative will explain how our built-in Fight, Flight or Freeze response throws us into survival mode and shares three tools to short-circuit that response and get us back to a place of reasoned thought.

QPR Training with Jeff Ditzenberger
QPR stands for Question. Persuade. Refer. It is not a form of counseling or treatment. Rather it is a type of training that gives you the ability to recognize the warning signs of suicidal communications and prevent a possible tragedy by offering hope through positive action.
If you are interested in learning more about QPR or in holding a training, contact Jeff Ditzenberger for more information.

Meditation at the Monona Terrace
Life can be stressful but, meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace, and balance that benefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health. Anyone can practice meditation. It’s simple, inexpensive, and doesn’t require any special equipment.
January 20 – May 19, 2021
Meditation 12 noon – 12:45 pm
Q&A 12:45 – 1:00pm
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